Category: Landscape
Where the Earth meets the sky
A pink church
Calm waters
Postcard from the Middle Earth
Photo taken in the Third Age 🙂
Over the bridge and far far away…
Roadside shrine
There are a lot of roadside shrines in Eastern Europe. Some are small, consisting of only not much more than a simple cross. Some are significantly bigger, like this one, where you can actually go inside.
Follow me!!
The ducks from the other post are on this photo as well (but hiding).
From a passenger’s point of view…
Taken from the backseat of a (moving) motorcycle
Hidden among the greenery
Far far away, behind seven hills and seven rivers… is another river. Must be the eighth river, but this one is special, it has a waterfall. Maybe it’s not like the Angel Falls, it will have to do for now :).